Tips for Protecting Your Skin from the Sun
The sun can be your friend or your worst enemy. This is why it’s key to prepare yourself prior to leaving on vacation. Sandos Hotels & Resorts has a handy guide to follow to ensure you protect your skin from the sun.
First, your choice of food can affect your skin. Foods like red fruits, leafy greens and apples are best because they’ll help your skin be resistant to UV rays.
Next, what sunscreen you use is crucial. What type of skin do you have? The lighter the skin tone the more sensitive you’ll be to the sun. Choose sunscreens that have the ingredient zinc oxide, as it is “the best ingredient to protect your skin.” And don’t forget your lips; apply sunscreen to your lips too and lots of moisturizers. Apply sunscreen first and insect repellent second.
Do not use sunscreens that use oxybenzone. According to studies from the FDA, the substance can cause a negative impact not just on you but to the ocean and to coral reef as well. The state of Hawaii is banning these sunscreens due to damage to corals. Checking the ingredients on sunscreen will be a tremendous help–for your body and the oceans.
In addition, what we wear can help or hurt us when it comes to the sun. A bathing suit is, of course, a must when going to the beach, but if you’re planning any excursion tours it would be wise to wear a long sleeve shirt or some sort of shawl or wrap to cover your arms and neck.